Silicone and silk: Ron Arad Rocks Louisa Guinness’ Mayfair gallery

Louisa Guinness' Mayfair gallery
Louisa Guinness' Mayfair gallery hosts artist Ron Arad's third foray into jewellery design - 'Ron Arad Rocks!'
(Image credit: Ron Arad Rocks and Louisa Guiness Gallery)

'Have nothing on your body that you don’t know to be useful or believe to be beautiful or love,’ reads an inscription daubed on the walls of Louisa Guinness’ Mayfair gallery. It’s by Ron Arad, appropriated from a quote by William Morris where ‘on your body’ replaces ‘in your house’ and it refers to the jewellery Arad and Guinness have put on show together.

‘Rocks’ is a collection of necklaces, earrings and bracelets that look like they’re made from shards of hefty glass. In fact they’re feather-light hunks of silicone, embedded with shreds of silk scarves, carefully cut up by Arad and arranged in a specific order. ‘Ron has been experimenting with silicone for many years, and the challenge with Rocks was to ensure it doesn’t turn yellow with age,’ explains Guinness. 

The pair first met in 2002 when Guinness ran a furniture showroom in Sloane Avenue showing design art from the likes of Arad, Donald Judd and Rolf Sachs. Preferring ‘small, easy to transport objects’, she shifted focus to artist-made jewellery and has commissioned the likes of Gavin Turk and Grayson Perry, Anish Kapoor and Claude Lalanne to create niche pieces.

Nor is 'Rocks' Arad’s first foray into jewellery design. In 2003, he created a range of spiral earrings entitled 'Hot Ingo', and inspired by the lighting of his great pal Ingo Maurer. The collection – which features black, white and red spirals that expand and contract along silver and gold stems – has been reissued using a 3D printer and 18 carat gold. Then there’s 'Naja', a series of magnifying glass pendants made of silver and guilded silver, which coil around smoky and scratchy quartz circles, or ‘lenses’.

‘To me Ron is one of the most versatile designers there is,’ says Guinness. ‘His range is huge; he can create everything from baths to spectacles to delicate jewellery.’ He’s also one of 15 artists with whom Guinness is collaborating this year, and in June the gallery undergoes its biggest transformation yet, with a show of jewellery, miniatures, clocks and bronzes by Claude Lalanne.

‘Rocks’ is a collection of necklaces, earrings and bracelets

‘Rocks’ is a collection of necklaces, earrings and bracelets that look like they’re made from shards of hefty glass

(Image credit: Ron Arad Rocks and Louisa Guiness Gallery)

 lightweight hunks of silicone

In fact, they are lightweight hunks of silicone, embedded with shreds of silk scarves

(Image credit: Ron Arad Rocks and Louisa Guiness Gallery)

Free-hand Naja Amethyst

Previous Ron Arad jewellery collections include 'Naja', a series of magnifying glass pendants made of silver and guilded silver, which coil around smoky and scratchy quartz circles, or ‘lenses’. Pictured: Free-hand Naja Amethyst

(Image credit: Ron Arad Rocks and Louisa Guiness Gallery)

Guinness says of Arad's work: ‘To me Ron is one of the most versatile designers there is

Guinness says of Arad's work: ‘To me Ron is one of the most versatile designers there is. His range is huge; he can create everything from baths to spectacles to delicate jewellery’ 

(Image credit: Ron Arad Rocks and Louisa Guiness Gallery)


Ron Arad Rocks! runs from 24 February until 8 April 2016, at Louisa Guinness’ London Mayfair Gallery. For more information, visit the website

Photography courtesy the artist and Louisa Guiness Gallery


45 Conduit Street
Mayfair, London


Emma O'Kelly is a freelance journalist and author based in London. Her books include Sauna: The Power of Deep Heat and she is currently working on a UK guide to wild saunas, due to be published in 2025.