Angelo Renna

 Angelo Renna, Italy
(Image credit: press)

Architect and landscape designer Angelo Renna set up his studio in Prato, Italy, in 2011, although he maintains a global presence, with projects in Mexico and the Ivory Coast and success in competitions like Europan in Norway have raised his profile. ‘The office focuses on developing projects with a relationship to natural elements such as water collection, vegetation and animals,’ says Renna. His projects are planned out in beautifully detailed drawings with a strong sense of colour and a deep understanding of landscape and nature. ‘We’re very inspired by art,’ Renna says, ‘painters like Rousseau influence in the way we develop our collages.’

landscape designer Angelo Renna

(Image credit: press)

Angelo Renna, Italy

(Image credit: press)

Ellie Stathaki is the Architecture & Environment Director at Wallpaper*. She trained as an architect at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece and studied architectural history at the Bartlett in London. Now an established journalist, she has been a member of the Wallpaper* team since 2006, visiting buildings across the globe and interviewing leading architects such as Tadao Ando and Rem Koolhaas. Ellie has also taken part in judging panels, moderated events, curated shows and contributed in books, such as The Contemporary House (Thames & Hudson, 2018), Glenn Sestig Architecture Diary (2020) and House London (2022).