Kicking up a stink: Gianantonio Locatelli opens the Shit Museum

Museodi Merda Shit Museum
This week sees poo moving from the gutter to cool design circles with the opening of il Museo della Merda in Castelbosco, Italy - also known as The Shit Museum
(Image credit: Luca Cipelletti)

Talk of poo has suddenly moved from the gutter to cool design circles thanks to the debut this week of il Museo della Merda - or the Museum of Shit - in Castelbosco, Italy. The world's first cultural institution dedicated to doo-doo is the brainchild of Gianantonio Locatelli, an enterprising farmer who smelled more than just a stink wafting off the piles of organic waste produced by the 2,500 cows grazing on his dairy farm.

After 12 years of transforming 1,000 tons of dung annually into biofuel (which he has sold to the Italian government as an alternative energy supply), as well as into material used for bricks and plaster, Locatelli has converted the farm's 14th-century castle into a public museum dedicated to the undervalued and misunderstood material.

'It's a fantastic subject,' gushes Milan-based architect Luca Cipelletti who restored the ground floor of the medieval structure into nine thematic rooms featuring installations from various artists including Carlo Valsecchi, Daniel Spoerri and Claudio Costa. 'Shit has always been privileged in ancient cultures - the Egyptians and Etruscans used it in their architecture. Today, it's the new gold because you can use it to make energy.'

The museum's rooms take visitors through a tour of excrement's privileged past and its potential future, along with scientific research and information on excrement in culture, technology and history. Meanwhile, the grounds of Locatelli's faeces factory look more like fashion headquarters than a sewer, thanks to several artistic interventions by David Tremlett and Anne and Patrick Poirier.

Tremlett painted the outside of 20 'digestors' - skyscraper-sized vats of poo that transform the material into usable energy, while the Poiriers designed green hilled art-scapes. 'Tremlett's paintings make the tubs look incredibly beautiful, while the landscapes set it all off in an unexpected way,' remarks Cipelletti. 'We're talking about shit here, but it's not vulgar at all. It's actually quite inspiring.'

Museodi Merda Shit Museum

The museum - the world's first dedicated to doo-doo - is the brainchild of Gianantonio Locatelli, an enterprising farmer

(Image credit: Luca Cipelletti)

Museodi Merda Shit Museum

Locatelli has spent 12 years converting dung from his dairy farm into bricks, plaster and biofuel. He has now converted his farm's 14th-century castle into a public space, using the dung to make his own building materials

(Image credit: Luca Cipelletti)

Museodi Merda Shit Museum

Milan-based architect Luca Cipelletti was charged with restoring the ground floor of the medieval structure into nine thematic rooms, each with artistic installations

(Image credit: Luca Cipelletti)

Museodi Merda Shit Museum

'Shit has always been privileged in ancient cultures,' he says. Pictured here is a sacred scarab beetle from Egypt and a collection of iconographic items relating to Khepri, the ancient Egyptian god of rebirth, sunrise and the scarab, who had a beetle as a face. Courtesy of the University of Milan

(Image credit: Luca Cipelletti)

Museodi Merda Shit Museum

The grounds of Locatelli's faeces factory look more like fashion headquarters than a sewer, thanks to artistic interventions

(Image credit: Luca Cipelletti)

Museodi Merda Shit Museum

Anne and Patrick Poirier's leaf-shaped carpet, which has grass seeds sown into it that will eventually grow

(Image credit: Luca Cipelletti)

Museodi Merda Shit Museum

'Methane Biolight?' - an installation created by il Museo della Merda in collaboration with Studio Passetti Lighting, 2015

(Image credit: Luca Cipelletti)

Museodi Merda Shit Museum

The rooms take visitors through a tour of excrement's priveleged past and potential future, including its medicinal properties

(Image credit: Luca Cipelletti)

Museodi Merda Shit Museum

'We're talking about shit here, but it's not vulgar at all. It's actually quite inspiring,' says Cipelletti

(Image credit: Luca Cipelletti)

Museodi Merda Shit Museum

Every effort has bene made to ensure the conceptual, metaphorical and visual message of the museum runs throughout - right down to the display cases and plinths

(Image credit: Luca Cipelletti)


Il Museo della Merda
Frazione Campremoldo Sopra
Loc. Castelbosco
29010 Gragnano Trebbiense
Piacenza, Italy


JJ Martin