Miles Aldridge, London

Woman lying with closed eyes on merry go round, holding on to the leg of a horse
(Image credit: Miles Aldridge)

Descending from a heritage of pioneering creative know-how, Miles Aldridge (son of Alan) was bound from birth to make his own unique mark on the artistic scene.

Woman lighting cigarette on gas stove

(Image credit: Miles Aldridge)

Aldridge junior’s searing photographic vision has been long celebrated for it’s vast cinematic perspective and super-slick, gloss-licked surrealist overtones.

With Lynchian flavours, Dali-esque weirdness and La Chapellian stylings all on offer - Aldridge’s latest show at the London-based Hamilton Gallery, Doll Face, is an amalgamation of accomplished cinematography, left-of-centre artistry and murky metaphorical narrative.

With an artistic opus deep-rooted in fashion photography and advertising conventions, Aldridge is well placed to realise his enigmatic vision.

Pallid-faced women stare blankly from the surface of the large-scale photographs – all at once banal and inordinately complex, Aldridge’s perfectly placed, luminescent models dupe us into embarking on a voyage into his aesthetically opulent and allegorically ambiguous world.

Acerbic Hues, flawless figures and moody atmospherics are all integral to Aldridge’s dream-like productions. Technically masterful and artistically accomplished – Aldridge has proved himself fit to bursting from his father’s shoes.


13 Carlos Place