Level Green in the Autostadt, Germany

Level Green in the Autostadt, Germany.
(Image credit: press)

Nestled in the German outcrop of Wolfsburg, the Autostadt comes as something of a surprise, spread swollenly over the flat industrial surrounds of the town.

Level Green in the Germany.

(Image credit: press)

See more of the Autostadt's Level Green exhibition

A gargantuan seven pavilion visitor centre owned by Volkswagen, housing exhibitions from the likes of Bentley, Lamborghini and Audi, the centre has recently opened its doors to a brand new resident.

Super era-appropriate and spread over 1000 square meters, the latest permanent exhibition to fill one of the Autostadt’s array of sprawling pavilions is Level Green, an interactive exposition designed to draw international attention to issues of sustainability.

Perhaps not the most scintillating topic of choice, the effects of climate change and the collapse of the economy are contemporaneous at the very least – and in surrounds such as these, it would be hard not to pay attention.

Designed by German architectural firm J Mayer H – renowned for its photogenic style and projects including the Dupli Casa and Mensa in Berlin- and interactive digital media moguls Art+Com, the exhibition has been brought to life by a gigantic network of angular lime green branches, housing interactive screens, seating consoles and even a 360º cinema.

Spread over three separately themed areas, the exhibition is tied together by the futuristic network of colour-clash branches, interwoven angularly across the space. Set against an entirely black backdrop, the lime green intersections - whilst vaguely garish - bring a much-needed sense of urgency to a topic we’d do well not to ignore.


Autostadt GmbH